Sunday 9 October 2011

Five magazines aimed at teenage girls

Conventions of teenage girl magazines:
  • Large masthead that is in front of the model to make it stand out and visible to the target audience
  • Colour schemes that use a large amount of stereotypically feminine colours
  • Puffs and plugs that are related to fashion, beauty and real life stories and things the publishing company believe to be of interest to the target audience  to draw the attention of the audience to purchase that specific magazine over the others.  
  • The model on the front cover is always placed over the centre or right third as this is where the attention of the reader is drawn first. 
  • There are also varying shapes of the puffs around each of the models, normally straight lines are used to segment specific sections of information as depending on the size and colour of the font and puffs the audiences attention will be drawn to specific things first. 

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